Day 91: Valetta, Malta

Valetta, Malta Arrival on Good Friday

Best of Malta's Treasures tour

Next up is Mosta, where you can photograph the storied church in the center of town. This rotunda church, crowned by a huge unsupported dome, one of the largest in the world, experienced a legendary event. During World War II it received a direct hit by two bombs, both of which went right through the building but inexplicably did not explode, sparing the worshippers and this spectacular piece of architecture.

                                                                    The Bomb that went through the dome

World War II Bomb Shelter

Selling breads on Good Friday 


                                                                 Rob remembering his high school
                                                                  Buckeye West Silver Knights

Another iconic landmark is the Cathedral of St. John, also designed by architect Girolamo Cassar. Its baroque façade is rather austere, but inside the church is a magnificent treasury of art and color. Ornate vaulted ceilings, masterful frescos and an iridescent marble floor are just some of its splendors.


Toni found her initials

A Malta Easter tradition is sfineġ (fried bread dough filled with anchovy) and they were making them on the street.  On the go snack for for Rob

Lunch started with pasta. They must have forgot that it was Good Friday and had meat as a main course. We skipped, got some more pasta. and then had a date pastry for dessert

Mushroom "nuggets" at McDonald's

A Good Friday procession in Malta is an experience to remember. Hundreds of actors dressed as Roman soldiers, Jewish priests, and important Biblical figures stroll along to the monotonous beat of funeral marches played by brass bands, following beautifully carved statues, some hundreds of years old, depicting the passion and death of Jesus Christ.

Stopped at a local cafe after the processional. They had all kinds of  Easter goodies.

Cannoli and Strudel ...

...and Hot Chocolates

As we headed back to the ship we realized had turned and came back in our path

We wanted to stay and watch some more but we needed to get back.



  1. Gorgeous photos. The temperature there must be cooler based on your dress.


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