Day 33, halfway to New Zealand
Craft Day was a Penguin
Goofy Golf
Toni's 1st shot was online but the partially broke "hole" hurt her score as it did many.
Rob was a little off on the first shot (and it kept rolling past the cup) but finished with a three
Toni's portable lounge chair is getting a lot of use. On the balcony and in the room. She was even happier with some M&Ms and a drink.
Toni got the Grilled Eggplant and Cheese, Rob the beef stuffed Yucca Fritter
For Dinner, Rob tried the Calamari Steak. Toni the Lasagna
Evening under the stars
Venus nearing the horizon
Jupiter Above and Venus following the Sun below the horizon. Venus is closer to the sun than the Earth so it can be seen in the morning just before sunrise or just before sunset. Mercury is harder to see because it is even closer to the sun. The rest of the planets are farther away from the sun than the Earth so they don't follow the sun but are all on the same line that the sun follows across the sky.
Rob pointing out Mars
Neat Full Moon as it went in and out of the clouds.
The Southern Cross in the sky and on Rob's Sky Walk App
The whole dateline thing is confusing as board still shows Day 20 as Feb 7th. So we are skipping from the 6th to the 8th tonight.
Oh well, we are going to sleep on the 6th and waking up on the 8th.
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