Day 53: No Darwin today


While we were getting close to Darwin, we would not be going to Dock. We will just get close enough to have the pilot, who came on to guide us through Great Barrier Reef, to transfer to another boat

Even though it was a planned port day with less things on the event listings, the staff filled the day up with activities

Craft Class was a Scarf. The rough ride made all the cutting detail hard so Toni will finish up later.

Later in the morning, it was noticeable when we finished transferring the Reef pilot and turned toward Komono Island

They were working on the large screen (look closely at the R in Princess). And there weren't a lot of folks up on the wet top deck playing Chess (or Pickleball, or Basketball, or Shuffleboard)

Somehow the team got two of Rob's three scribble's on the way to a win

The afternoon WWII talk was on the events that led to General MacArthur returning to the Phillipines.

And while there were a lot of whining on board about the Captain's decision to skip Darwin but there was a lot of evidence that the wind and waves were real!!

Italian Night in the Dining Room

Rob got Eggplant Parmigiana and Toni as the Prosciutto for appetizer, along with Minestrone.  Was thinking for an appetizer that it would be one slice of eggplant and a little bit of Prosciutto but were we surprised!!   

Toni got the Tuscan Sirloin Steak, Rob the Veal Scallopini for their main course and split a Tiramisu for dessert. 

Went out on the mid deck to watch the waves and brave the wind

Went to a game show before they had a special event introducing the 2025 World Cruise and then listened to a band for awhile.

Another Sea Day tomorrow.


  1. Hope those motion sickness pills are working....

    1. Gum, bands, green apples, patches all working well.


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