How bout those Cowboys last night!! The satellite signal went out again and so the game wasn't on up on the large screen but had it on laptop. It was hard watching on the phone while the ship was rocking. Sometimes you couldn't tell where the ball was. It kept looking like the goal post were moving out of the way of the ball on the extra points. ;-)
Today we woke up just of the coast of the tip of Baja California and Cabo San Lucas. So when you hear Baja California, you think you are in the US. But it is in Mexico. It is about 760 miles long and the world's second longest peninsula behind the Malay Peninsula (a peninsula in Mainland Southeast Asia that we will be visiting also).
Becoming the standard start of the morning, 0900: Toni crafting, Rob Speedy Sudoku.
Today's craft was a Picture board.
Then I went with Rob to hear the Ship Navigator explain how the ship plans it path, knows where it is and avoids everything else.
If the ship was pretty much empty it would weigh 54 tons but with everything on it it ways almost 40 tons more. And displacement means how much water got moved out because it is floating and that was around 50 tons of water has to get out of the way for the Island Princess. Also 8.325 m (27.3 feet) is under water and 53.7 M (176.2 ft) is above water or in the air (Air draft). That much more above the water would normally make it "top heavy" and tend to turn over but most of the weight (engines, water, fuel, food, supplies, crew...) so most of the weight is below the waterline.

Rob seemed to get excited about all the systems and equipment that he was talking about
He showed how they used to steer ships with the big wooden wheel, and the current steering console with a steering wheel that is smaller than a car's steering wheel but also said they rarely use that. Most of the navigation is with a 1 inch little joystick.
He also talked about his career and how much education and experience the each level needs. He said it could be another 20 years to have the experience and be considered for Captain.

He said each Captain has Bridge Mascots and our Captain's mascots are called Justin Beaver and Sigourney Beaver!!! (get it?) He also said no one is supposed to touch or move them
We went to "play" golf with Mayte. Rob did very well and was really close both times but didn't win.

Rob and Toni went to check out the spa and they gave her a "sample" massage.
It was a formal night and Gala Dinner Menu.
We watched a carving demonstrations
Then we went and watched the demonstrations from the boat making competition.
Toni had shrimp cocktail and Rob had the crab bisque
It was Surf and Turf for the main course
Dessert was filled with options. Toni had ice cream sundae and Rob had the Chocolate Pistachio Dome and a Nutty Irishman (coffee).
The show tonight was called Encore.
We are still heading up the Baja California coast on the way to LA. Another sea day tomorrow.
Looks amazing!